See the ... category in ... for Parts 1 & 2We've covered a lot of ground in the first two parts of ... In part one we covered why ... ... such a powerful money ma See the "Writing" category in GOArticles for Parts 1 & 2We've covered a lot of ground in the first two parts of thisarticle. In part one we covered why electronic publishingis such a powerful money maker.If you missed part one you can get a copy via autoresponderby sending an email to: [email protected] part two we covered how to write your ad and put togetheryour sales letter. If you missed part 2 you can get a copy via autoresponder by sending an email to: [email protected] it's time to put up your web site. What you want isa direct response web site. No distractions.Your web page will be your sales letter with a method foryour visitor to buy.Your one or two page site should be nothing more than aplace where your visitor buys or they don't. They either "light up or leave you alone."Forget about adding banners or links to someone else's site.You don't need any content.Why?You're out to make a sale, plain and simple. Don't give them an excuse to leave, they might not come back.Your ads have drawn the leads, which means they're alreadyin the buying mood. Make it easy for them.Your visitors are already "hot" don't confuse them withother offers. The more choices the less likely they are to buy.You don't want to make them think! You want them to act!You could set up a direct response one or two page site for under $25. That includes registering your domain and hosting your site.That's why these sites are becoming so popular. Imagine onceyour first site is in profit, you could add a second.You could set up as many of these mini sites as your profitsallow.Imagine if you had mini sites all over the web. Each turningin a handsome profit.Trust me there are marketers right now doing just that.Wow! Talk about multiple streams of income.Well we've got our ads and sales letters. We've set up our direct response mini site.What's left?In part 4 we'll talk about various options for taking orders.Wishing You Success Article Tags: Direct Response Source: Free Articles from
